Sunday, January 7, 2018

ShopTalk 18 | Maybe Doesn't Sell

In this episode, I discuss what it means to sell with conviction and based on facts; not BSing the prospect and trying to push lies for dollars.

It was 4 degrees out with the windshield at Eastern Kentucky University; the morning after a New Years Party. My head was pounding and I had the loveliest touch of cotton mouth. But after meeting my new buddy Jon and finding that we had drive + market finance interests in common I decided to see if I could get him to help me record this episode at Roy Kidd Stadium. 
Could we have prepped for this better? Absolutely. It was Cold.

But we bore through it to get this short talk produced and got the hell out.

I actually went back the following day to get the drone shots because it wasn't as cold...

Dedication is a powerful tool; it doesn't always have to be Hustle, Grind and Drive. 
Though they are very important and fun to use Buzz Words.

Check out the video. 
Resource links provided below.

The Mentions

The Resources

John Maxwell -Law of Intentionality

Selling the Invisible

Lead with Conviction


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