Wednesday, December 7, 2016

a year bald - month 2

Catching up on things is so peachy- so I've been working so frequently on client projects that I had to put the vlog on the back burner or lose more sleep. The first week back from Florida was about getting back home and hitting the ground running again. 

Planning out the remainder of 2016 and planning ahead for 2017. You've got to remember that flexibility is a key when you work for yourself and Drive is #1. Without it your momentum is as good as dead because in a digital atmosphere one must consistently create relevant content to be relevant themselves. 

This is easy if your goal is to be Genuine - you just create and talk from the heart. 
If you're phony  - it's more difficult.

I'm looking forward to wrapping up a few projects I did for non-profits and community activism groups I'm involved with and then a Parkour Documentary I shot earlier this year; I'd like to have that available before Christmas.

The next couple of weeks though, I'm interviewing more bald buddies, getting trained to become a wine company ambassador and finishing up a short film I've been working on basically all year.
So, much to come for those who keep track of 3Gins Media on Facebook and Youtube.

Yes, this blog was really about the work life because being bald is easy; showcasing it in an authentic/ entertaining way is not always so easy - I believe we call it hyper-reality.

Whats funny is that:
1. I'm used to being bald now
2. I do feel more confident (not certain I would have tried this If I hadn't made it a point to do so)
3. I had a dream last night that I had hair again (12/6/2016); and I was trying to get rid of it and it wouldn't go away - it became this ugly mop...hard to explain

Solid Deals.