Saturday, September 23, 2017

ShopTalk 16 - We All Have the Same 24 Hours

In this Episode, I discuss the simple fact that we all have the same 24 hours and if you want to achieve your goals and use the "I don't have the time" excuse - then you're not Making the time required to make things happen. 
Providing free value in your desired direction to get your foot in the door is one way to get what you're after, if you're always in it for Money (24/7) then you'll be discredited as being paid to care. 

Time Management is also crucial to understand. Which is exactly why I decided to hang out at Chenault Vineyards for this one.

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USEFUL REFERENCES____________________________________________________

Laura Vanderkam (TED TALK: Gain Control of your Free Time)

Tim Ferriss - Tools of Titans

Alex Becker - 10 Pillars of Wealth

David DiSalvo - What Makes your Brain Happy, and why you should do the opposite

Leonard Mlodinow - How Your Unconscious Mind Rules Your Behavior

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