Thursday, January 21, 2016

MMA Promotional Ad

Hey folks, so last year I came home from working as a technical support agent and found a door hanger for an MMA company that's based locally; after getting in touch with their primary representative and working out a deal to cover their event in exchange for sample work that they could use to advertise...which I'm pretty sure they didn't bother with.

Said Promotional Spot is actually located in the Portfolio section of my website:

So, following up a year later I was browsing through the drive to delete old project files to make room for new ones and I came across the MMA files I had held at bay; long story short I realized that there are a ton of MMA and variety style fighters looking to get noticed and I've worked video services in that area before, first it was actually a company a good buddy of mine was a part owner in called: PWF (Professional Wrestling Freedom).

Now I'd like to Revive that opportunity for individual fighters looking to get ahead. The video provided below is the new promotional ad for MMA Fighters.

I encourage you to share this with both fighters and sponsors.

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